Back to Tangerang Again, Cafe Hopping and Stuff.


Hello readers,
Time flew so fast and now it's already holiday season, right?

So before closing my 4th semester of my university life, I had come to Tangerang so oftenly and did cafe hopping. Like twice. So let me reviewing some of the places I've visited last week.



Hi all,
So, this is just a random post and sharing about my new account on Steller App!

As you can see, I just made a steller account with username @alviansilver. Kindly follow me guys! Then, for the first time I used this app, I was quite shocked and amazed about how beauty this app could give. It was like making your own mini blog with a lot of captivating pict. So many great story told here and their photo was amazinggggg!

To Tell You the Truth



Hi Everyone,
So today, I'm gonna post something different than I used to post. All of you whose following my blog would know that I use to post some review some restaurant or my journey to some place. But you guys should realize that all of the content on my post are some bullsh*t lol!

Coffee Time at Ruang Seduh, Jogjakarta

[Ruang Seduh]

So after met up with Emily at Mediterranea. I was waiting for my mom to picked me up at this all white spacious coffeeshop near there called "Ruang Seduh"

Ruang Seduh
Jl. Tirtodipuran No.46, 
Mantrijeron, Kota Yogyakarta, 
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Quick Catch Up at Mediterranea Restaurant by Kamil, Jogjakarta


Continuing my story at Yogyakarta, 
I had a meet up with my friend that I've never meet again for about a years, she's Emily ( @emilytania ), she brought her friends also, Ersy ( @ersyrsmn ) and Sari ( @sarkusumaw ). They'd arrived in Yogyakarta several days before me. They already been in so many place here unlike me and since I knew they're in Yogya, I contacted Emily to had a meet up here.

Mediterranea Restaurant by Kamil
Jl. Tirtodipuran No.24 A, 
Kota Yogyakarta,
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Breakfast at Agenda Resto at Greenhost Boutique Hotel, Yogyakarta


Hi guys, Sorry for the long awaited post!
I'd been hospitalized last week and diagnosed with dengue fever, I'd been sick for about a week and it felt awful. No entertainment on the hospital, I can't eat because my palate suddenly going weird so anything I ate tasted bitter, I vomited a lot. Sooooo, now you guys know why I haven't post anything yet, beside I even didn't check my phone for about a week too because it felt so dizzy to look at the screen.