[Tokyo] |
Finally! It's been a long time since my last post. I was really confused by my commitment to continue writing on my blog or not. But at last, I made my mind, I finally realizing that this is really a time killer and good hobby for me! This blog also can be my platform to share my work and life. So I decided to continue this blog!
Soooo what will I post today is about my last trip from Japan! Wait.... what? But I already came to Japan last year, why should I go there again ? ( For you who want to read my Japan trip
Part 1 ,
Part 2 ,
Part 3 ,
Part 4 ). Yess, I've been in Japan before and it's only one year apart from my visit. The reason why is because I really love any Asia, and I have this interest in Japan particularly and there's still so many place and attraction to explore in here. So I'm going to Japan without tour service this time with my mom and lil' sis!